Although little empirical work addresses the role of anger in the treatment of alcohol dependence, research has focused on other affect experiences. The Kelly et al. (2011) secondary analyses of the Project MATCH data indicate that attending AA meetings may reduce depressive symptoms, thereby improving drinking outcome. A review of randomized controlled trials suggests that addressing depression and anxiety disorders may improve drinking outcomes among individuals being treated for alcohol dependence (Hobbs, Kushner, Lee, Reardon & Maurer, 2011); this may be especially relevant to women with anxiety (Farris, Epstein, McCrady & Hunter-Reel, 2012).
- All possible analyses were carried out between anger and depression, anger and type of psychoactive substances, anger and withdrawal time, anger in men and women, anger and age.
- ” See the Resources section, below, for SUD screening and assessment tools.
- That is, angry clients seemed to fare better in the less directive and structured condition than in the more structured CBT and AAF conditions.
Subgroup analyses
Clinically, not all alcohol-involved clients accept the philosophies and approaches of AA and other mutual-help groups. AM may be a particularly relevant tool for such anger- and alcohol-involved clients. Also, it may be important to consider alcohol-adapted anger management treatment primarily for combined anger- and alcohol-involved clients, as these were the clients eligible for the present study.
1 Outcomes of Alcohol-adapted Anger Management Treatment
When you drink too much, you’re more likely to make bad decisions or act on impulse. As a result, you could drain your bank account, lose a job, or ruin a relationship. When that happens, you’re more likely to feel depressed, particularly if you have a family history of depression.
Effects of Stress and Trauma on Brain Pathways and AUD Risk
Finally, improvements in positive affect may also play an important role in treatment outcomes; enhancing positive affect may serve as a protective effect on the experience of stress for alcohol dependent individuals (see McHugh, Kaufman, Frost, Fitzmaurice & Weiss, 2013). Taken together, this body of research emphasizes the role of emotions in general as important therapeutic targets in alcohol dependence treatment. Consistent with our previous work (Walitzer et al., 2009), we hypothesized that AA Facilitation treatment would lead to greater AA involvement, and increased AA involvement would predict improved drinking outcomes among these clients. Clients receiving the AA facilitation treatment reported significantly more AA behaviors and steps worked than clients receiving alcohol-adapted anger management treatment. This differential effect was also marginally present for during-treatment AA meeting attendance and posttreatment drinking consequences. In sum, these findings underscore that AA meeting attendance, behaviors, and steps worked are important therapeutic factors in AA facilitation treatment.